
Invited Talks

  • Roberts, H. (2021). Residential- and mobility-based environmental exposures and depressive symptoms. Invited talk for ODISSEI. Virtual.

  • Roberts, H., van Lissa, C., Hagedoorn, P., Kellar, I., Helbich, M. (2019). The effect of short-term exposure to the natural environment on depressive mood: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Oral presentation given at Human Geography and Spatial Planning Research Days. Zwolle, the Netherlands.

  • Roberts, H. (2016) Developing an environmental intervention to increase green space utilisation in order to promote health. Seminar presented at the Born in Bradford seminar series. Bradford, UK.

Conference Presentations

  • Roberts, H., Helbich, M. (2021). Assessing multiple environmental exposures and depressive symptoms: A Dutch cross-sectional smartphone-based study. Oral presentation given at ISEE Young conference. Virtual.

  • Roberts, H. van Lissa, C., Hagedoorn, P., Kellar, I., Helbich, M. (2019). The effect of short-term exposure to the natural environment on depressive mood: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Oral presentation given at World Conference on Forests for Public Health. Athens, Greece.

  • Roberts, H., Kellar, I., Conner, M., Gidlow, C., Kelly, B., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., McEachan, RRC. (2017) The influence of park features on park satisfaction and park use in a multi-ethnic deprived urban area. Poster presented at 10th World Congress of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

  • Roberts, H., Kellar, I., Conner, M., Gidlow, C., Kelly, B., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., McEachan, RRC. (2017) The influence of park features on park satisfaction and park use in a multi-ethnic deprived urban area. Oral presentation given at the European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change. Bonn, Germany.

  • Roberts, H., Kellar, I., Conner, M., McEachan, RRC. (2016). What makes green so good anyway? The influence of park features on park satisfaction in a multi-ethnic deprived urban area. Poster presented at the meeting of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine. Cardiff, UK.

  • Roberts, H., Margary, T., Conner, M., McEachan, RRC., Kellar, I. (2015). The effectiveness of environmental interventions into the use of green space: a systematic review. Poster presented at the meeting of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, Newcastle, UK.

  • Roberts, H. (2015) Developing an environmental intervention to increase green space utilisation in order to promote health. Oral presentation given at Autumn White Rose Postgraduate Research Conference, Leeds, UK.

  • Roberts, H., McEachan, RRC., Conner, M., Ballas, D., Kellar, I. (2015). Managing your Health: A Walk in the Park? Poster presented at the Born in Bradford 5th Scientific Conference, Bradford, UK.